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Julian Barnes
Talking It Over
Category: Fiction | Published: 1991 | Review Added: Unrecorded
A very '90s novel, centring on the instability of modern relationships. Stuart is married to Gillian (or just going out with her - I can't remember). They have a friend, Oliver. Stuart is dependable but boring. Oliver is flambuoyant, unreliable and interesting. Gillian is a silly and leaves Stuart for Oliver. Stuart gets miserable.
It's a long time since I read this, but I seem to remember quite enjoying it. Barnes never quite succeeds, in this novel of ideas, in imbuing his characters with real life and independence - they're all just pegs to hang philosophical perspectives on. Fortunately they are interesting perspectives - but still, I found the unremitting wryness somewhat jarring: I wish Barnes could inject a little passion and drama into his work.
That said, for all its wryness, the general tone of the novel is quite bitter. One wonders if it's partly based on events in Barnes' life that got some publicity (no doubt to the dismay of this very private author) in the literary gossip pages.