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Auden, W H:
Beauvoir, Simone de:
Beethoven, Ludwig van:
Bennett, Alan:
Bernhard, Thomas:
Cardus, Neville:
Carey, John:
Crowhurst, Donald:
Dirac, Paul:
Diski, Jenny:
Einstein, Albert:
Gide, André:
Graves, Robert:
Hardy, Thomas:
Hartley, Jean:
Johnson, Samuel:
Jones, Monica:
Kafka, Franz:
Larkin, Philip:
Lawrence, D H:
Lee, Laurie:
Lively, Penelope:
Menuhin, Yehudi:
O'Hanlon, Redmond:
Palin, Michael:
Pauli, Wolfgang:
Potter, Dennis:
Regeniter, Anna:
Sacks, Oliver:
Sartre, Jean-Paul:
Thomas, R S:
Wittgenstein, Paul:
Z'Graggen, Yvette:

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